Tony Clark – Unmasks(1-2)


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Tony Clark – Unmasks(1-2)


Tony Clark's awards didn't come automatically. He worked hard for them over the years. He is the winner of the IBM's Teenage Magician of the Year, SAM's National Stage Champion, Milbourne Christopher's Award for Top Young Professional. He has won every contest he's ever entered. He rides the peak of excellence in everything he does and his first video is no exception. In this one hour video, Tony teaches you his award winning dove techniques. He covers his easy 6 week dove training technique that gives the doves the trust and confidence in you, whether flying free on a large stage or being body loaded for productions. He teaches you about food, travel, cages and all the backstage technical requirements of owning and caring for doves. Things you need to know, including tips and hints from his experience. Valuable knowledge now easily gained! Also, in detail, important performing instructions dealing with dove productions and allied effects. Also covered: Tailoring and Costume Modification; Dove Bags and Harnesses; Productions and Routines and much more. Virtually everything a dove worker needs to know is on this DVD.

A new video from Tony Clark. Learn to perform amazing dove magic without body loads! Effects include Dove From Kleenex; Dove Bag Routines; Dove From Newspaper; Latex Dove Deceptions and much more! As part of each explanation, Tony gives you step by step instructions for constructing the props needed. He also teaches you how to build his ultra-thin folding cage! As a bonus, Tony includes the Vanishing Cane to Dove, the simplest, most deceptive dove steal you'll ever perform. 60 minutes.

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