Practical Hypnotism by Narayan Dutt Shrimali


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Practical Hypnotism

This book is a complete study of practical hypnotism. It seeksto explain the science of hypnotism in a simple, straightforwardand unambiguous language. The book makes an integral study of theacclaimed ideas and theories of the East. The western thinkers haveheavily drawn upon the valuable contemplations of the Indian seersof yore. Having achieved a fine blending of the two strains ofscholarship, the book has become a very reliable guide for alltypes of readership. Dr Shrimali is a widely acknowledged authorand his expertise in these fields is beyond any doubt. The readerscan immensely benefit from his wide experiences and deep insights.This study is not just academic, but it is equally relevant to allinterested sections. The book is enriched with rare discussion ofthe Indian sadhans and siddhis. In many ways, it brings out themetaphysical findings of ancient Indian seers, and mendicants withfirm authority. The study motivates scholars, young and old, todelve deeper into this science for greater accomplishments inlife.

About the Author
Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali
 is an internationallywell-known and academically renowned astrologer. He is a greatTantrik too, and has proved that the science of hypnotism is ofgreat utility to all human beings. He believes that man has twosouls internal andamp; external. When they both get united, itbecomes hypnotism.

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