Ellusionist Eric Jones – Metal


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METAL by Eric Jones gives what you need to become a superstar. (Or at least become amazingly proficient with a set of Walking Liberties).
Your teacher is from the underground… Eric Jones. Directed by Brad Christian, this DVD was designed to serve as a full-service, gimmickless reference guide to coin magic
? Finger palm
? Ramsay subtlety
? Classic palm
? Kaps / Malini subtlety
? Holding out multiples
? Thumb palm
? Downs palm
? Buckley production
? Mutobe palm
? Curl palm
? Edge grip
? Goshman / tenkai pinch
? JW grip
? Gallo production
? Korn production
? Mutobe production
? The pop
? French pop

? Taking
? Quick vanish
? Putting
? Elusive vanish
? Retention vanish
? Stylized retention pass

? Click pass
? Jones pass
? Roth shuttle pass
? Utility switch
? Wiped clean
? Townshend Hand washing
? Bobo switch
? Jones switch
? Benzais Friction palm
? Han Ping Chien

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