How to Make Flash Paper by Black’s Mag


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product description:

FLASH PAPER is a staple in every magician’s act. But shipping regulations and other legal considerations have made it increasingly difficult to stock it for many magic shops, both online and off.

Now, learn how to do it yourself, bypass the middleman, and make flash paper and related products for pennies on the dollar. With a little effort and a modest investment, you can produce enough flash paper to last you a lifetime, and at a fraction of the cost you used to spend on it in the stores.

Finally, a comprehensive instructional video that covers all of the essential information needed to create flash paper, flash cotton, flash string, and even flash zig-zags for an incredible cigarette production, included on this DVD as a special BONUS for you.

On the DVD you’ll learn:

– The required chemicals you need and where you can get them legally.
– How to safely mix the checmicals in just the right quantities.
– The exact process used by the big companies to make flash paper.
– And so much more!

Running Time Approximately 30min


Price: $24

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