Huron Low – Four


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Huron Low – Four

Any card is selected by the spectator, who signs all over its face with permanent ink.
The angel at the back of the signed bicycle card is then colored a solid black with the same marker.
The magician blows over the ink, even rubbing it with his fingertips, proving that it is a permanent mark over the now dark angel.
With a gentle wave the ink on the angel visually fades away, morphing back into the angel; the signature on its face still permanently etched on, a symbol of the impossible occurrence.
Angel Redux
The angel at the back of a signed, freely selected bicycle card is cleanly sliced out with a pen-knife, leaving a circular hole in the selection.
With a gentle wave, the angel visually and gradually regenerates in full view, making the card whole once again.
A signed card is folded in half and has its middle ripped out.
First the ripped out piece teleports from the magician’s pocket back to the destroyed card, fully restoring it.
Then the piece is ripped out again and placed in the magician’s mouth. He spits it out at the torn area, visually restoring the card with absolutely no cover.
Making Ends Meet
All piece by piece restorations look the same, except this one.
This is asclean and visualas piece by piece torn and restored card effects go.
A quarter is ripped off a signed card and handed to the spectator.
Another quarter is torn off, making it a long half-card.
That long piece is ripped into two andfused back on the other ripped sides, creating the firstmismatch.
Now the last piece is removed and restored… but on thewrong side, resulting in a visual oddity.
This next phase is almost eerie.
The magician merely gazes at the last piece, and it suddenly shifts, steadilysliding by its fibresover to the correct side.
Finally, the last piece is that the spectator has been holding onto the entire time suddenlychanges in colour, permanently mismatching it from the rest of the card.
All the effects haveMULTI-ANGLEDstudio performances and tutorials and explain everything inpainstaking detail.
All the routines leave the spectator-signed card examinableafter the effect, and the cards can be given out as souvenirs.
These routines arevisual, hard-hitting, and direct.
There is something for everybody here, and every effect is as powerful as the other in different situations.

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