Radek Makar – Into Thin Air


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Radek Makar – Into Thin Air 
This is a two part routine – vanish three coins, one by one, and reproduce the same three coins again one by one.

The reason Radek prefers to first vanish coins and then make them reappear, as apposed to have three coins appear and then vanish them, is the fact that you can do this routine with borrowed coins. You start with examined coins and then show a miracle which is much stronger than the other way around. You borrow coins or take them out of your pocket – at this point there is no doubt these are just three regular coins. Magic starts when you vanish them. When the coins are re-produced they become normal coins again and you can hand them to the spectator for examination.

Besides the PDF that clearly describes with words and photos the routine you will also have access to a video from an 'over the shoulder' point of view, which will show you exactly what happens and how the routine should flow.

Explanation videos and pdf file included in this instant download

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